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Week Six

All of the children and staff have worked so hard this week, and have given a big push to reach the end of the half term. Almost all of the children across the unit managed to complete their Rainbow Challenges with 41 out of the 50 children achieving all 6 lollipop sticks!!


The children have really enjoyed our new addition to the outdoor area, made by our talented Mr Smith. See photos below.



And the children in Miss O'Callaghan's phonics group loved learning the new diagraph 'oo' this week - especially eating the Cheerios! 



We are sad to be saying goodbye to Miss Aktar today who has been with us since we returned to school after home learning, but we wish her well in her new and future ventures. Miss Javid will be joining the Early Years team after the half term.



This week's Stars of the Week were:

Aviana (Nursery)

Kyle (Reception)


And a huge congratulations to the children who achieved their Always badges:

Elliott (Nursery)

Frankie (Reception)


Finally, the Reception children have a little phonics homework and some extra keywords (if appropriate) We would be grateful if they could complete this over the half term.


Have a lovely break with your families and we will see you on Monday 7th June.
