Happy Easter everyone! For the final week of the Spring term the children have been able to enjoy lots of time in our outdoor area - thanks to the lovely weather. In Reception we have been practising our written addition and subtraction calculations, the children are super at this now. Nursery have spent their time in maths being 2d shape investigators which included shapes hunts and even fishing for shapes! Everyone also planted a sunflower seed ready to observe over the course of the next half term. Mrs Smith will look after them while school is closed and we hope to see some great results after Easter - no pressure Mrs Smith!
A huge well done to our stars of the week:
Jorgie Bowker (Reception)
Esme Higgins (Nursery)
And to the children who have achieved their Always badges today:
Cieran and Isabella (Reception)
We are so excited for next half terms topic 'Let It Grow' and for all of the fun things we have planned. We would like to wish you all a lovely Easter break, don't eat too much chocolate!!!