About Whitegate End
Here at Whitegate End we are striving to create a hub where everyone belongs: children, staff and our families
including the wider community. We work closely with agencies to ensure we meet the needs of our families.
At Whitegate End, we create emotionally resilient children and staff with a range of academic and life skills. We prepare our
children for life, not only the next stages of their education, and provide them with the tools to be lifelong learners.
Everyone belongs. The environment we create for each other is safe and gives us the opportunity to challenge
each other’s thinking and stand up for the things we feel passionate about.
We thrive when we go out into the ever-changing world and are proud of the memories that we create together.
The Hive
The Hive is our 12 place SEMH Resource Base, which serves children across Oldham Local Authority with an EHCP. We provide short term placements and offer outreach work for Oldham schools, to support children with social, emotional and mental health needs. We work in collaboration with the children's "home" school to ensure safe and suitable dual registration, before the child returns to their original provision.
The curriculum has been designed in line with our school values;
we nurture, we act with integrity, we show determination.
The children will partake in a range of activities to support both their academic and emotional development through our
Happy and healthy lives programme.
Although primarily in The Hive environment, the children will also access sessions alongside the children in their year group, with sufficient support in place to help them succeed.
Our goal is to help them, not just manage, but thrive in the classroom and beyond.
Application Process
Applications can only be made by the child's current school SENCo, after an Annual or Interim Review. This should be done in consultation with parents and the child's / school's SEND officer.
Please bare in mind that The Hive cannot be named in Section I on the child's EHCP.
We are currently taking applications for a Summer Term 2025 start - the deadline for this is 10th January 2025. Applications will be moderated by representatives from the Local Authority and Whitegate End.
The School Day
The children will enter the school via the main gate and be welcomed into The Hive from the top playground. The children should arrive at 8:15am for breakfast and registration. We will provide the food, but please let us know of any allergies by completing the relevant registration forms. Children will be picked up from 2:45pm from the same door.
School Dinners
All children in Reception and Key Stage One are automatically entitled to free school meals.
Children in Key Stage 2 are not automatically entitled to Free School Meals. If you wish for your child to have a school dinner, payments can be made via the School Money online payment system. School dinners are currently £2.90 per day (£14.50 per week). To check if your child is entitled to Free School Meals please visit: www.oldham.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals
If you already receive free school meals, this will continue as normal. If you wish to change whether your child has school dinners or a packed lunch, please let us know three weeks in advance (excluding school holidays) so the correct amount of food can be ordered.
Please make sure your child has a bottle of water and if they would like to bring a snack for break time, please make sure it is either fruit or breadsticks. A piece of fruit and milk is provided free of charge for all children from Nursery to Year Two, as part of a government scheme. Please do not send in sweets, chocolate bars or savoury snacks.