The sky above us!
In the summer term, we are taking a scientific focus and will be looking at the sky above us. We will be learning about the stars and constellations. Focusing on the North star, Orion star and looking at how stars can help us navigate across the sky. The children will be able to develop their scientific knowledge by asking questions and using observations.
In our writing we will be focusing on the books 'toys in space' and 'whatever next'. We will be creating our own stories as well as character descriptions for toys and instructions to navigate space.
In mathematics we will focus on multiplication, division and fractions. We will also continue to develop our knowledge on place value, this time going up to 100.
Our other science topic will follow the White Rose scheme which looks at plants and how they grow.
We will visit the school library on Monday where children can choose a book to take home with them.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ask me :)