A warm welcome to our Year 1 class page. Here you will find the latest updates, access key documents and other important information we will use throughout the year. We have a very exciting year ahead and we can't wait to get started!
The main teaching team in Year 1 is myself, Mrs Harris, Mrs Tierney and Mrs Williams.
We will be continuing with the Little Wandle reading sessions from Reception. E-books will be updated each week on a Monday for the children to access at home. Reading records will be updated in school, so please ensure your child has this with them everyday.
PE days will be on Monday mornings with Mrs Armour and a Wednesday afternoon with Harry.
Below you will find the statutory spellings for year 1 as well as the first 100 high frequency words. The national curriculum expectation is that the children are able to read and spell these words correctly.
If there are any problems or questions you may have, you can catch me on the door morning or after school or contact the office.