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Autumn 1 - Finding the Will

What a great start to the year we have had with this topic.  We have already completed some absolutely fantastic 'mood boards' comparing life in modern times to that of the Tudors.  I think most of Year 6 thought it is much better living in the modern day than 'back in those times'!

In addition, the homework has been of such a high standard.  Have a look at the powerpoints below for 'Who wants to be a Tudor monarch?'

The 1/2 Globe theatres that have been made are absolutely fantastic.  Year 6 completed an investigation into which shapes would be the strongest to support a building, realising triangles are effective, together with ensuring the struts are thicker and the base is secure.  Once they had learned this with cocktail sticks and jellytots, they applied this to the making of the Globe theatres.

Macbeth became the focus of the Shakespeare, with pupils freeze framing the main points of the story, adding thought bubbles, emotion hearts and speech bubbles to each of the freeze frames.

Class Assembly
Finally, all of this hard work culminated in our Year 6 assembly 'Finding the Will'.  Year 6 created it all themselves, using the work they had undertaken this half term.  I was so impressed with their range of ideas including crowning all the monarchs, a game show, power points and freeze framing. 