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Spring 1

Another half term already! This one we are going to go travelling! 


This half term, our topic is going to be A EUROPEN ADVENTURE. 


This is one of my favourite topics to cover in year 3 and I am really excited to get started! We will be looking at different maps and why and when we use them (life before google maps and satnav!), using compass and following directions. We will be exploring and securing our knowledge of the UK and extending this to countries and cities in Europe. We will also have a look at ticking off some of the European countries we have been to as a class! 


In our writing, we will focus on letter writing and postcard writing. We will be using Dear Teacher as our focus text. This book is brilliant, and the children will hopefully share their excitement with you when we start reading this. 


This half term, we will be extending our times tables too. We will now concentrate on our 4 times tables and these will be included in Times Table Rock Stars as well as our weekly times table test on a Thursday. 


Homework will continue to be uploaded onto seesaw on a Monday. 


Any problems or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know. 


Mrs Harris 
