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Amazing Week 6

This week we have had some special visitors in school! We have had teachers from Sweden Spain and Italy visiting us we have been very busy. Beginning the week with a welcome assembly for our guests and then on Wednesday we had our road safety afternoon! The feedback we were given was fantastic, we were all so sensible and grown up whilst learning how to cross the road safely.


In our writing we have been uplevelling our work after a letter from the evil Lotso stating that if we made our work better we 'might just get our precious Barbie back!' sad We tried so hard to make our work better checking our capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and spellings and using a green pen to edit our work. 


In Maths we have been finishing off our addition unit, Miss Benbow and Miss Hunt are again so impressed with our amazing work and growth mind set! 


Again a huge thank you for all of the effort and hard work you are all putting into the homework, it is now all on a beautiful display in the classroom.


Check out next weeks news updates to see what happens with our characters! smiley
