A warm welcome to our year 5 class page. Here you will find the latest updates, access key documents and other important information. We have a very exciting year ahead and I look forward to being a part of your year 5 journey.
Miss Smith
Reading should increase to include regular sustained periods so that children develop the habit of ‘getting into a good book’ (reading a few pages every few days inhibits this). Although fluent readers are likely to be reading independently by this age, parents/carers still need to hear them to read out loud to develop their fluency in harder text types. Developing readers will still need reading support on a daily basis.
Practice and learn all of the Spellings from the year 5 and 6 word list. These will be available to download below..
In Math, children will receive support work for the learning they are doing in class. By year 5, it is expected that all children should have fluent recall of their times tables and continue to build this by accessing Times Tables Rockstars. Children may forget them if they are not used, so a regular (daily if possible) quick and short tables quiz would help your child retain what they have learned.
P:E will be on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Please ask if you need more information regarding anything mentioned.