Back to school!
Welcome back everyone - it's been a really good week in Year 5 - they've been fantastic this week and really settled into the Year 5 classroom and routines. They have really come back with a positive attitude to their learning - so keep it up Year 5!
We started off this week with our pre-learning and WOW starter. We created DIY water cycles, so we can observe what happens over the next couple of days and understand what happens in the process. We then read the blurb from Kensuke's Kingdom and discussed what we would need to survive on a deserted island. After our discussion we looked at the front cover and talked about sailing off on a world adventure and used our team building skills to build boats.
In our Maths, we have started our a place value topic and are already pushing through chili challenges. We played a game of taboo to really understand different vocabulary that we will come across in this area.
We have been racing through our writing, as we applied our conjunction learning to a relay game. They had to find a suitable conjunction and expand the simple sentence. They were brilliant and really enjoyed this learning. We have also looked at feelings and have hot seated the character Michael. They generated questions and made links to key events in the first chapter we have read.
Homework, spellings and reading books have been sent home with the children for the weekend. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Walker, Mr Butterworth and Miss Woodhead