What a week! I'm sure all the children have been singing you our Christmas X Factor song all the time! We have been practising too in school! The children are really coming on and we can't wait to perform it to you all!
We would just like to thank you all for your contributions to the Food Bank - as a class, we raised almost 100 items, which I think it incredible, so thank you very much for these.
In our writing we have been looking at rules for apostrophes and plurals and have been instilling what is the difference with these. We have already been talking about the purpose of an omissive apostrophe in our contraction work a few weeks back, but this week we have been discussing the purpose of the possessive apostrophe and when and when not to use an apostrophe for plurals!
We have been continuing our work this week on the 8 times tables. We are going to keep practising these too over the last few weeks to really instil these. We know our 4 times tables so we know we can times a number by 4 and double it to achieve the same answer.
In our topic work we have been looking at Stonehenge and even had a go at recreating our own from biscuits. The children were amazing throughout this afternoon and seemed to really enjoy it. Freddie and Ethan were showing great team work, as well as studying the picture of Stonehenge and thinking about what they would need to do to the biscuits to really make it effective - and they did!
Next week will be our last spelling test of the term, the week after spellings will not be sent home, we will be having spelling assessments of the spellings taught so far in the year.
This weeks spellings for next week (w/c4.12.17) are attached below.
Thank you for your support, have a lovely weekend.