Another week over already!
This week we have begun writing our own recounts of our 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth.' We have begun discussing vocabulary that we will be using as well as our expanded noun sentences that we have been working hard on.
In our maths we have been looking at number patterns in sequences and ordering numbers. We are working hard on our 2,5 and 10 times tables. Thank you to all who have been encouraging their child to practise at home - we saw massive improvements in the test on Friday.
The children have learnt another note in music, they can now play notes A and B on their recorders.
In our topic we were having a look around the landscapes of a volcano on the ipad. We were all surprised that people were living on the side of them! We found out there was lots of vegetation on the side of some volcanoes because the land is so fertile.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Harris