Welcome back everyone, we hope you have had an amazing Christmas and a well-deserved rest. Our next topic is 'A journey down the river' which is a geography based topic, relating much of our learning to water.
In our Maths this half term we will be extending our multiplication and division knowledge and using this to help us with our fractions work which I'm sure they be brilliant at. Please keep working on times tables at home as they are so important and will really help we start working on our fractions topic.
In our writing we will be using the book 'Kensuke Kingdom' to help us write different genres including a newspaper report and a diary entry. We will be linking this learning to support our charity 'Greenpeace' and finding out how we can help them and promote the work they do.
Thank you for all of your support and let's have another good half term!
From all the Year 5 team!