Year 4 have had a brilliant half term and it has been a pleasure getting to know them. I can't believe it is half term already and the Halloween Disco has been and gone. Year 4 have made a fantastic start in their learning and have impressed me with their math's skills and their enthusiasm. I love reading and have enjoyed reading with all year 4, whether it has been whole class (Varjak Paw) or in smaller or one to one groups. I can see more confident readers and they have such a good understanding of Varjak Paw which is quite a difficult read.
I think the highlight for year 4 were the pranks they played on some of the staff (all in good fun) and they created some very amusing letters to Horrid Henry based on the pranking.
In Science, we have been learning about Digestion and teeth and as most of you know, they have created mounds of 'poo' for homework, which has been very realistic!!. Thank you for helping the children with their homework and I have loved the detail in models of teeth and digestive systems. The cakes have also shown great attention to detail.
Year 4 have the privilege of learning the clarinet and are now beginning to produce some notes, so watch this space and see how they improve!
We begin a new topic after half term, which will develop different skills and I am looking forward to it very much.
It was lovely to see so many of you at Parent's evening and recognise that we all want the same for the children. Don't forget, I am available if you have concerns or want to share good news about your children.
Have a lovely half term and keep up the good work.