Wow this really was one of our busiest weeks but the children rose to the challenge and should be so proud of themselves.
We were absolute writing superstars this week as we managed to publish our superhero reports before completing our superhero academy story which we also managed to publish!! We can quite honestly say that the children showed such determination to try their best and each and every person really focused on their writing to complete some brilliant pieces.
We powered on through with our maths work as we started to apply our learning about decimals to money. Wow, these Year 4's can certainly keep a track of their money!!! Any extra practice with this when they go to the shops would be a great help!
Our topic work this week focused on creating a diet fit for a superhero. The children looked at different food groups and had to complete a rather tricky crossword set by Mr Webster. In addition to this, they had to design a fitness regime for a superhero so they can maintain their strength. You should have seen the exercises they created in our PE lesson, it was brilliant!!
A big well done to our Star of the Week who this week was Harry S
On Friday, we had our very own Superhero Graduation ceremony where all the trainee superheroes graduated from the academy. We both would like to say such a huge well done to all of the children for all the hard work this half term. We are so lucky to have such a fantastic class!!!!
Many thanks to you all for sending the slips back in for our trip next half term. We have finalised the date to Thursday 5th July and a letter with more information will be sent home the first week back.
Please look out for the school newsletter which was sent out today as this has lots of important dates for next half term.This includes Sports Day which for KS2 is on Thursday 7th June, weather permitting.
We hope you all have a lovely half term holiday and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 4th June.
Many thanks
Mrs Bingham and Mr Webster.