Home Page

Year 4

Hello and a very warm welcome to our Year 4 web page!


Here you will find all of the information you need, from weekly updates to newsletters and homework, come and take a look at our Year 4 adventures! 



Our main team for this year is Miss Benbow, Mrs Eaves, Mrs Addyman and Mr Webster. However there will also be lots of other fantastic adults helping us too! 


Our school is now paperless, so our page is where you will find out all of the information you need to know. 

As always our team are here to help with any queries or support that you may have or need. Our drop in session is on a Tuesday from 3.00pm-3.30pm but if you are unable to meet at this time we can arrange a more suitable time and date. 


I am very much looking forward to working with you all this year, 

Miss Benbow smiley



Our class charity this year is Macmillan Cancer Support! 