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Week 1 and back to it ...

The children have had an exciting start to the half term this week. 

During our WOW starter, we had to find where Miss Leaver had been over the Easter Holidays. We had a map of London and with our partners we had to find, using grid references, where Miss Leaver had been around London. 


In our maths this week, we have been practising our times tables as much as we can. We have also been revising fractions from year 2 as well as being introduced to new concepts. The children have done brilliantly with their maths this week and are excited for the challenge next week brings. 


In our writing, we are writing postcards! Miss Leaver sent us a postcard all the way from London and this week we have been planning writing our own postcards. 


In our topic work this week we have taken our learning outside and have been using the 8 points of a compass. We were surprised which direction school is facing from Butterworth Lane! 


Next Friday, we have Buckstones visiting us so we are all looking forward to seeing our friends again :) 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Leaver, Mrs McDonald and Miss Hunt 
