Welcome back!
We've had such a busy week. We jumped straight back into our learning this week, looking at perimeter and starting to understand the different characters in our new book Cogheart.
On Monday we had our topic starter. The children spent the morning doing some wonderful charcoal artwork looking at a typical industrial town skyline, they produced some wonderful pictures. We then watched clips from the film Oliver and stopped to discuss as a class what we noticed was different between then and now. They loved the film and kept asking for us to play more - we will have to save some time to watch the end.
In our maths this week, we have been working on perimeter. We started the week feeling quite challenged by this area of learning, then after creating a WAGOLL, a perimeter hunt challenge and some independent learning the children have all said they are starting to feel more confident which is great to see.
In our English lessons, we have started to read our class book 'Cogheart' and have looked at the main character Lilly, discussing how she is portrayed. As a class we looked at different character names and the names Charles Dickens created for his books. All the children then tried to create their own character using street names, animals, food and some of them split their own names up - we had some giggles.
During our pre-learn and our first topic lesson the main questions that the children want to find out, were based about the children living during the industrial time and what it was like for them. We had lots of shocked faces when we started to look at some of their living conditions.
Homework and spellings have been sent out. This half term we are having a big push on reading and this is part of their homework for this term. We are asking them to read 3 times at home and put 3 entries into their reading record. If by Wednesday they haven't got 3 entries then there will be a reading catch up during dinner time. Alongside this will be a different activity, this week we have sent a reading comprehension but this will change each week to either a maths, grammar or reading focus.
Have a fantastic week,
Mrs Walker