Welcome to the Year 5 class page!
Keep a look out on this page for regular updates and information.
Spellings will now be uploaded each week for you to download and learn.
The Nandos Homework is loaded on at the start of each half term - so take a look!
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let Mr. Houghton or myself know and we can add it to the page for you.
Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
Summer 2
This term our topic is based on Ancient Greece. We will be learning about the Ancient Greece era. Investigating what life was like and how people lived. We will also learn about the Gods and Goddesses by reading myths and writing our own myths.
Hello All
This term our topic is entitled 'Journey Down the River'.
We will be learning about the Amazon Rainforest and Rivers.
We will learn about the environment of the rainforset and how organisations are working towards saving the rainforest for future generations.
We will also be going on an outdoor trip to Castleshaw to learn about rivers. More information to follow when you are back at school.
Castleshaw River Trip - 26th May 2017
On Tuesday 28th March 2017, we had a whole school Forest School Day.... Have a look at Year 5 team building activities....
Looking for something to do over the Easter Holidays?
Why not take a look at the Mahdlo Centre to see what is on offer? http://mahdloyz.org/
On the 23rd March 2017 Year 5 went to the Mahdlo Careers Fair in Oldham.
It was such a fantastic opportunity for them to see what possible careers the children may like when they leave school.
It was good to see the children taking part and asking questions.
Week beginning 20th March was National Science Week
Children in Year 5 investigated how different materials work and which ones are insulators and which ones are conductors.
The children tested how to keep the 'alien blood' the warmest for the longest using different materials.
Children also investigated different materials to see which ones conduct electricity.
We had a fabulous day in Year 5.
We used the opportunity to focus our learning on taking a new approach to Traditional Stories.
In Y5, Y5 and Y6 focused their learning around Cinderella and in Y6 the focus was Jack and the Beanstalk.
We had a fun time and dressing up as book characters was fabulous!
Beware - Entering the Bio-Hazard Zone
Over the next half term our topic is called 'Beware-Entering the Bio-Hazard Zone'. During this topic we will be investigating the science unit called 'Properties and Changes of Materials'. We will carry out lots of investigations involving everyday materials.
Swimming is as usual - Tuesdays at 9am
Spelling tests are on Fridays
Reading and Spelling practise everyday
Homework to be handed in on Wednesdays
If you loose your spelling sheet or need another I have uploaded the weekly sheets below.
It is important that you learn these words and learn the meanings of them. Try to use them in your everyday vocabulary and in your writing.
Pick a word you will use each day - Have a 'Word of the Day'.
Once you have had your spelling test... don't forget about them - They are for life!
If you need to practice previous words, you will find all the lists below.
Keep going - you're doing brilliantly!
Support for what pupils need to know about spelling:
Phonemic knowledge
The correspondence between letters/graphemes and sounds/phonemes (GPCS).
• phonics – knowing about letter/sound correspondence.
• spelling patterns and conventions
• homophones – words which sound the same but are written differently.
• Phonological knowledge – understanding syllables and rhymes.
Morphological knowledge
The spelling of grammatical units within words.
• root words – are made up of one morpheme and cannot be split into smaller grammatical units.
• compound words – two root words which make another word when joined.
• suffixes - added at the end of root words and change its meaning and sometimes the spelling.
• prefixes - added at the beginning of a root word to change its meaning. Spelling usually unchanged.
Etymological knowledge
The understanding of the origin of words.
• etymology - word derivations. Knowing the different sources of English words.
NOTICE: Year 5 Assembly - 1st February at 9.15am
Spring Term 1 - Happy New Year to Year 5!
Our topic this half term is called 'Does all Life Begin as an Egg?'
During this term we will learn about the life cycle of different living organisms from the animal and plant world.
We will also learn about reproduction and how it differs among different living groups.
We also have 'Google Expeditions' visiting school.... This looks really exciting.
Google Expeditions
Where will you go today?
On Thursday, Google Expeditions visited our school. It was absolutely amazing. The expedition we saw was – Astronomy. It felt like we were there…
Have a look at the Google Expeditions pdf below.
On the 25th November 2016, as you know was Take Over Day. The children have had a fantastic morning and worked extremely hard. We are all so proud of them. Hope you enjoy some of the many photos taken.
Thank You for your continued support.
Autumn 2016
Autumn 2
This week we have kicked off the term with Maths at the Movies. Our film is Monsters Inc, so far we have watched the film and noted down time and events throughout the film. After that we chose events and worked out the time gaps between the events. We then looked at time zones across the world. We had to work out if we were going to work with Sully and Mikey, where would the
best place in the world be, to go scaring. Keep an eye out for photos!
Mission To Mars
This term our topic is called 'Mission To Mars'
We will learn about:
Earth and Space
The Moon
Travelling in Space
Research in Space
We will also be going on a trip to 'The Liverpool World Museum'. Here we will visit the Planetarium and participate in a learning session called 'Destination Space'.
The World Liverpool Museum
We had a fantastic day at the museum... The day flew by.
Have a look below at some of our photos. We got to see actual spacecrafts that had been in space, took part in a 'Destination to Space' workshop and watched a film in the planetarium! What a packed out day...
As part of our Home/School agreement each teacher will be available on a designated day after school. I have looked at my timetable and I will be available every Monday from 3.00 pm to 3.30 pm.
This will start on the 12th September and it is an opportunity for you to call in (if you need to) to discuss any issues and concerns. However, if you need to have a longer meeting to discuss issues/concerns at length then we can arrange a time and a date that will be more suitable.
Monday - Weekly spellings given out
Optional Parent drop-ins 3.00 pm-3.30 pm
Tuesday - Swimming
Wednesday - Homework to be handed in
Thursday -
Friday - Spelling Test / PE Kit - Outdoor Kit (Please see school prospectus for guidance) / Homework Tasks to be given out
It is important to read with your child every day, this will help your child become competent, fluent readers and also help them with their writing, spelling and in other areas of the curriculum.
If your child is still on scheme reading, they do need to complete it to show they are confident readers and show good understanding of texts. However, I do feel it is very important they read a whole variety of texts, such as; Information books, suitable Newspapers, Poetry, Novels and short stories.
Also, to help support home/school agreements, it is also important that you write a short comment and initial you have read with your child in their Home/School Diary. As well as this please ensure your child is organised for their day ahead with correct school uniform, PE kits and homework.
AUTUMN 1 2016
Welcome to a new year of learning and fun.
The teaching team this year in Year 5 will be Mrs Travis, Mr Houghton and Mrs Murphy on Monday and Tuesday mornings.
We have lots of exciting learning opportunities in store for you. We want you to 'Be the BEST you can be!'.
To help you achieve this we have looked at the curriculum and made quite a few changes to the topics you are going to do.
Our first topic is -
Anglo-Saxon vs Viking - Who Do You Think You Are?
During this topic you will be Film Writers, Researchers and Construction Engineers.
For now.... Thank you
Mrs Travis