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Week 1 W/C 3.9.19

Wow! What a brilliant start to the year we have had!


We were introduced to our new topic, 'A. Turing Way' and we were excited to hear we are going to be looking at an inventor! As part of our WOW starter, we thought what an inventor would look like and had a go at drawing our own inventor. We also had a look at 15 images of inventions including the wheel, electricity and google and tried putting them in order. 


We have also been writing this week. We completed a prewrite of our own story from an image and I was blown away by the vocabulary the children were able to use and spell correctly! 


In our maths learning, we began with a carousel of activities for counting to 100 in numerals and words. The children were able to challenge their knowledge and secure using a range of practical equipment as well as word problems. 


We have had a very exciting week! 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Harris 
