Almost weekend. I hope the weather is kind and you can get out for a walk or a trip to the park in hunt of conkers and pine cones which you all seem to enjoy collecting.
Another busy week in Year 4. We are showing what super mathematicians we are. We are just coming to the end of a unit on place value and I am so pleased with everyone for trying their best and having super positive attitudes. We are moving on to addition and subtraction next week, so will get our mental calculators whirring.
We have spent the week developing a piece of writing, which is in the final editing and publishing process. I can't wait to read all your letters to Horrid Henry.
In our science topic, we are getting to answer the questions we asked ourselves at the beginning of the topic and have been singing along to songs about digestion.
These are some of the highlights of our learning this week. I would be interested to know what the children think their highlights are!