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Summer 1

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a wonderful time off over the Easter holidays! 


This half term is a strange one as we have lots to fit in.


This half term kicks off our Science term. We will be looking at Living things and their habitats in the first half. We will be going over to Forest School on Wednesday as part of our WOW starter and looking at different habitats for different animals. We will be classifying things as living, dead and never have lived and exploring food chains. In the second half of the half term, we will be exploring plants. We will be dissecting them, looking at the different parts a plant has and what they are used for. We may even plant some of our own! 


In our writing this half term, we will be looking at letters and a setting description. We have some lovely texts to use that hopefully are a mixture of new texts to explore and some familiar ones too. 


Below is our knowledge organiser for the first half of this half term. 


Key dates this half term: 

  • 17th April - Back to School 
  • 28th April - Linking project trip to Castleshaw
  • 1st May - Bank Holiday 
  • 4th May - INSET Day 
  • 5th May - celebrations in school for the King's Coronation 
  • 26th May - school closes for half term