What a week everyone!
We have been carrying on our writing with the Ride of Passage - we have been working on SPAG such as pronouns and possessive apostrophes. We have found out where and when possessive apostrophes apply and are able to remember pronouns by thinking they are 'personal nouns' and they describe someone or something already mentioned in the sentence.
In our maths this week we have been working extra hard on our column addition and column subtraction. We have almost mastered these two very tricky concepts and I have been so impressed with their hard work and perseverance.
Our topic got well underway. We have carried out our own research of Stonehenge and found out so many interesting facts. We also had our very exciting (and cold!) trip on Thursday! I'm sure the children went to bed very early on Thursday night … as did the adults!
We learnt so many exciting things about our topic such as how they made fire, made food and shelters.
A challenge has been set for all children on sumdog and we will be checking the results on Monday morning!
Have a look at some of the photos below from our trip.
Have a lovely weekend!