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Spring 1

We hope that you have had an amazing Christmas and a well-deserved rest in preparation for our brand new topic ... Staying Alive!


In this Science based topic we will be working on recognising what a habitat is and how different animals live in different habitats. We are going to be extending our knowledge about hibernation and learning about the different places animals live and why.  We will be learning about the life cycles of living things, food chains and what animals need in order to stay alive.


In our maths we will be focusing on multiplication and division by learning new methods to help us solve problems. We will still be working hard on learning our 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables and the related division facts.


In our writing work we will be completing two pieces of writing this half term. We will be completing a narrative piece of writing based on our text The Bear and The Piano and also a non-chronological report about sea turtles.


In our guided reading we will be focusing on the text The Big Book of Beasts.


Again, let's have another brilliant half term.

Important Documents for Spring 1
