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Week 1

Well, it feels like we have never been away. We have got stuck back into our learning and are looking forward to enjoying our new topic "We built this City", the city being Manchester.

We began by creating our own imaginary city using boxes and reams of masking tape. The children were very engaged and worked brilliantly in teams, using their imaginations and skills as architects, engineers and planners.


In English we have started a great book called Weslandia and we are enjoying getting to know the main character Wesley. We have done some acting and written character descriptions.

In maths, we did a little bit of finishing off on subtraction and we have now started our mental maths in earnest. Your child will have brought home homework, either for the 3 times or 7 times tables. Please give them every opportunity to practise.

I walked into the classroom this week when the children were having their clarinet lesson and I have to say, I can spot an improvement in the sound.

We have 4 characteristics of learning which we follow throughout school and this week we have been working on working effectively in a team. We put our strategies to good use with our model making.

Have a good weekend and we will continue with our learning next week.
