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Week Four

This week was our Sponsored Vegetable Tasting, we had a few hiccups including a one day closure and an over cooked cabbage but we got there in the end.

On Tuesday 44/48 children tried carrots

On Wednesday 45/49 children tried peas (instead of cabbage!)

On Thursday 43/48 children tried rhubarb (they had home-made chips for their dinner on this day too!)

And on Friday 47/50 children tried beetroot



Thank you so much for all of the sponsor money brought in so far. It would be fantastic if we could have any outstanding donations by the end of next week so that we can have our Sensory Garden well on it’s way before May half term.


On Tuesday two of our Reception pupils gave a talk all about Eid. It was very interesting and all of the children listened carefully and asked some great questions. We hope everyone who celebrated had a lovely day!


A huge congratulations to our Stars of the Week who were:

Rupert (Reception)

Max.M (Nursery)

And to the children who received their Always badges:

Orlando (Reception)

Max.G (Nursery)


See below some lovely photos of the children enjoying our outdoor area. Have a lovely weekend!

