Wow, what a busy first week we have had in Year 2. All the adults have been so impressed with how well the children have transitioned into Year 2 and have continued with their learning after the summer holidays.
We started our topic with a trip to forest school, as we hunted for animal foot prints and then had a bug and insect scavenger hunt challenge. The children really enjoyed this and it was lovely to see them exploring.
In our learning, we have spent the week completing some pre-learning to see what we can remember from Year 1, we have written a reply to a talking woodlouse, started to look at our new class book 'Peter Rabbit' and have been having some hands on practical sessions with the Maths resources to help with their place value topic.
On Thursday, we had a special visit from Henry (Mrs Conway's dog) as our topic is all about animals, so we had a big discussion over how we care and look after animals. The children loved this and those who felt confident and wanted to, came to give him a stroke.
Reading books have all gone home and homework will be uploaded on Monday. As a school, we are now on a new spelling programme and this will be starting in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you so much for all your support and if you do need anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Mrs Walker