Another week down!
This week in our writing we have completed our research for our reports on rainforests. The children have loved completing their own research and I can wait for their information reports next week. We have also been working hard on our sentences which include lots of detail.
On Wednesday, we went 'shopping' around the classroom picking up adjectives, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions and coming up with our own sentences.
In our maths, we have been working hard on our place value, recalling our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 and also adding multiples of ten to a number. The children have been working really hard on these!
In our topic work, we have been looking at our Science - Animals including Humans. We have been looking at food and nutrition and what makes our bodies healthy.
We have begun practising for our Christmas show too! Hopefully the children will be singing lots at home getting lots of practise in!
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Harris