Welcome back everyone.
We've had a short, funny week in year 5. Half the class spent 2 days on their bike ability training. They have done so well and the trainers had nothing but praise for all them, so well done to those children who completed the training.
The rest of the class made a solar system on their first day back and then found themselves enrolled onto a NASA Programme to receive astronaut training. They had to complete a series of missions; a maths challenge, a reading challenge, a physical challenge and challenge based on their mindset. They were fantastic and all completed their mission.
We recapped our previous learning in maths and revisited areas of fractions, ready to build on this with new learning. In our English work, we have started to research about Tim Peake, ready to write a report on his mission to the International Space Station. Some children went home and continued this research to add to their first findings. We will be building on this next week, looking at the 5 Ws we can include in our report.
Nando's homework has gone home, along with this weeks spellings. The children also received a letter about our trip next week to Jodrell Bank discover centre, I have attached a copy on the Summer 1 page if you need to have look.
As always if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to see me.
Mrs Walker