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Week 4

We have had a brilliant week although it has been a little bit tricky with all of the Christmas play rehearsals. We have worked so hard learning all of the songs, actions and lines this week and we can not wait to perform. Although, this has not stopped us working super hard in other areas of our learning. We have been learning how to write instructions on how to make a crown so that Mrs MacMillan could make one just like the ones that we made! 



We have also been learning about 3D shapes. We made a 3D shape train in groups and then discussed which shapes we had used and why.



Then we played a 'guess the 3D shape' which was really tricky because we had to describe the shape to our buddy.



In Topic we have been ready The Queen's Knickers and look at these sliding mechanisms that we designed and made. 


I hope that you have a lovely relaxing weekend ready for the big performance. 


Miss Smith 
