What a week!
We have been so busy this week in Year 4. We started with our WOW starter for our Geography topic 'We Built This City' by designing and making our own cities out of Lego, which we thoroughly enjoyed.
We started our new book for Writing 'Weslandia' and really enjoyed using our knowledge of expanded noun phrases to look at the setting and draw pictures of what we could see using the oil pastels.
In Maths we started our new unit on addition and subtraction and have been working on our column addition skills as well as continuing with our times tables of course!
Today we did some History, we learnt all about the history of Bonfire Night and why it is celebrated on November 5th. (Ask your children if you would like to know more!)
We have been so pleased with the attitude of all of the children coming back to school this week, keep it up Year 4.
Miss Benbow and the Year 4 team