What another great week we have had in year 3 this week!
This week we have been doing lots of collaborative learning in our writing sessions, we have recapped the SPAG work we have been doing, using our brains quickly to come up with a question, exclamation sentence or expanded noun sentence. On Friday, we began exploring newspapers. We used the time on Friday to have a look through a newspaper with our partner, and then we looked at the key features of a newspaper. If you have access, please discuss these with your child over the weekend. We looked at the headline, byline, orientation paragraph (first paragraph to set the scene), picture and caption and quotations.
We began and ended our week with My Happy Mind, where we discussed or fight, flight or freeze instinct. We practised our Happy Breathing to help us cope in certain situations.
We began our new spelling programme also this week. Spellings have been sent home with the children and a copy is on seesaw should you need. These spellings we have around the classroom and will be exploring over the next two weeks. We will be tested on these w/b 4th October.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Harris