We are ready to go for our second half term in year 3. This one will be an even busier one (!).
We are going to be exploring the stone, bronze and iron age and know the differences and how things changed throughout each time settlement. We will kick off the half term with our WOW starter, weather permitting to discuss what it was like living in the stone age.
We will be studying The Stone Age Boy in our writing and creating a character and settings description. We will be building up or grammar and punctuation from last half term and will be ensuring we are keeping consistent with this.
Our focus for our times tables this half term is our 3 times tables. The children did really well last half term with improving their times table scores. We will be having our times table test each week and documenting the scores.
Homework will be being uploaded onto Seesaw each Monday. Reading records will be being checked each Monday morning also.
If there are any problems, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Mrs Harris