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Are all schools like mine? 


In Year 1 we are going to kick off the autumn term with a look closely at our school. We will be learning a range of vocabulary as well as understanding and exploring Human and Physical Geography. 


During the term, there will be a wide range of opportunities to play and oracay. 


Please have a look at the plans below and if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know! 



In Autumn 2, we are going to continue looking and comparing our school to a school in Kenya, Africa. We are looking closely at identifying where the UK and England are on a map of the world as well as comparing where Kenya, Africa is. We are going to compare weather patterns and how being close to the equator effects the temperature and weather conditions. 


In our maths learning last half term, we began learning the 2 times tables. This will continue throughout the half term as well as beginning the 10 times tables too. Below is the songs we are learning to help us. 


We will be holding our Christmas Performance on the morning of 14th December with year 2, we hope you can make it! 
