Well here we are in our final half term of Year 6! May I begin by saying a huge THANK YOU to all of the parents, families and to the children for all of your hard work and support last half term during SATs.
Here's what we are going to be getting up to over the next few (final) weeks of our WGE journey.
In maths, we are going to be brushing up on our shape, position and direction knowledge. In our writing we are going to be drilling down on those key elements of grammar, punctuation and spelling and our new science topic is all about light and shadows.
We are also going to continue using Minecraft Education to help us to build on our mathematical and writing knowledge. After getting used to using the app before half term and creating, budgeting and finding out your profit and loss for your amazing theme parks, we are going to begin building them on Minecraft- how exciting!
We are looking forward to making some amazing memories with you all this half term!
Miss Benbow
Key dates for this half term: