Welcome back to school, we hope you're ready for our first half term and new topic 'Journey down the river'. We can't wait to get started, get stuck into our routines and start enjoying our learning.
This first half term we will be learning about everything water. How important it is? Where does it come? Early on in the year we will be getting a visit from United Utilities, to help us understand what we can do to improve our water usage. We will be using this knowledge to understand the features of a river, including completing some field work. We will be visiting a local river, looking at what features we can locate, and how this has changed the environment over time. Hopefully if we get through everything with time to spare, the children will be able to do some pond dipping (which is usually something they love - finding different fish and insects).
You will find all the weekly updates and key documents and I will attach the Nando's homework and weekly spellings, just incase they don't make it home.
As always if you need to ask any questions, please do come and speak to me and I will do my best to help.