Welcome to our year 3 class page. On this page you will find key documents about what we have been learning and what we will be learning in class throughout the year.
Our PE days are Tuesday with Mr Faulkner and Monday with Harry.
The ability to read is so important for a child and a skill for life so please read with your child daily. In order to improve fluency it's important to listen to your child reading aloud as much as possible. We teach daily reading sessions in school based on a key book or quality text. Books will be changed each Monday but children will need to have their books and reading records in school each day as we aim to listen to your children read as much as possible.
Spelling will be taught daily within school. At home please encourage your child to work on learning the year 3 /4 spellings listed below. We have given them lots of strategies to support them with this.
We use 'Timestable Rockstars' to support your children with their rapid recall of number facts and times tables. Please ensure they access this at home as much as is realistically possible. 10 minutes per day has much more impact that half an hour at the weekend.
We always appreciate your continued support, if you have any questions please contact us via the school office or grab us on the playground at the end of the school day.
Mr Scott