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Week 7

Take Over Day was the best way to finish off a great half term. The children took their roles very seriously and it was a huge success.


The week was spent talking to teachers to plan lessons, prepare resources and ensure everyone knew what they had to do. The Year 6 class took this in their stride and all the adults around school were impressed with their enthusiasm and hard work.


Wednesday arrived and it was time for Year 6 to rule the school. From the minute they arrived in school they took on their roles. The Headteacher and Deputy Head greeted everyone arriving at the school,  all the teachers and support staff got their classes ready, the cooks were busy prepping the lunch, caretakers were checking the grounds (and eating toast with a brew wink) whilst the office staff manned the phones. 


It was quite honestly one of the best days to be at Whitegate End and all of the children were amazing!!!
