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Week 3


We had a fabulous week this week. We have been sorting beads, making books based on our paramedic visit, we pretended to be paramedics and sorted pictures into day and night to encourage children's language of time. This is something you could continue with at home, e.g what did we do yesterday? what have you done today? what do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? We have also been putting out writing skills to the test and wrote special thank you letters for the paramedics. Next week will be a very special week as we have some more visitors, I wonder who it will be... 



This weeks dinosaur winners are...



                  Scarlett ( Tryceratops)                     Emily (Pridosaur)                 Poppy & Macie (Pretendactyl)         



Annie ( Solvosaurus Rex)                     Mason (Predictor)                  Jesse (Explorasaurus)   


Please continue to encourage your child at home to show the characteristics of the dinosaurs  e.g. trying, taking pride, pretending, problem solving and exploring.

