Wow what a busy first week back from the half term!
On Monday the children were absolutely fantastic! We had a busy morning learning about our new topic, revising our sticky learning, having assessments on our SPaG, the children were so understanding of this and we were amazed by their resilience. In the afternoon, we used our talents for some wolf drawings. These drawings are absolutely amazing and take pride of place in our classroom.
This week, we began our new topic, Twisted Fairy Tales and began our plants work in Science. On Wednesday, we dissected tulips. We used magnifying glasses to look really closely at the parts of the tulip. We were amazed to find that when we cut the stem, inside was wet from where the water has travelled up!
On Friday morning, we were able to have our class dojo reward time as we reached our next target for rewards!
Have a look at some pictures from this week. Spellings are also below. We all have the same spellings this week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Harris