Thank you for visiting our school website. Whether you are a prospective parent, current or former parent, ex-pupil or a member of our wider community, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to our school website.
We are a small, one-form entry school with a big heart and a family feel.
We nurture; whatever issues our students, their families, the school, our staff or the community face, we always support, react and pull together. We act with integrity when working with each other, with teachers and colleagues across the school, with the wider school community and most importantly with the young people in our school. Finally, we are determined to make a difference; we are not passive players in young people’s lives but active participants who can and do make a real difference.
Our moral purpose can therefore be summarised below -
We nurture;
We act with integrity;
We show determination.
At Whitegate End, we create emotionally resilient children and staff with a range of academic and life skills.
We prepare our children for life, not only the next stages of their education, and provide them with the tools to be lifelong learners.
Everyone belongs. The environment we create for each other is safe and gives us the opportunity to
challenge each other’s thinking and stand up for the things we feel passionate about.
We thrive when we go out into the ever-changing world and are proud of the memories that we create together.
Our school is a good school, as evidenced by our latest Ofsted Inspection 25-26th February 2020, and by the continued feedback we receive from pupils, staff and parents. We are also a learning school and continuously drive to be better by challenging ourselves and the pupils. This enables them to develop resilience and a 'Can do' attitude. Our staff regularly review educational research and use this support the Teaching & Learning.
School Improvement Priorities 2022/23
WGE1 – To improve the attainment and progress of all groups of pupils
WGE2 – To further improve the pedagogical toolkit of all staff
WGE3 – To develop the pastoral offer to ensure that pupil and staff wellbeing is at the heart of what we do
WGE4 – To ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that provides them with the knowledge and skills to be ‘ready for life’
WGE5 – To provide strong and effective leadership across all areas of school