Year 1 have had a fantastic week! We can't believe how fast it has gone!
We have created some amazing story maps to help us re-tell the story of Knuffle Bunny. I was absolutely blown away by some of the amazing drawings the children produced. Well done!
The children used the story maps to write a recount of the Knuffle Bunny story. They tried hard to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in their writing.
In maths we have been thinking about 'one more'. As the children were amazing at this, they went on to try some reasoning problems involving 'one more' this was very tricky but we tried hard to explain our thinking and how we got the answer to a problem.
In science, the children conducted an experiment. They had to find out what the best material would be to make a crash mat for Humpty Dumpty. Year 1 tested feathers, sponge, bubble wrap, buttons and shredded paper. The children made their predictions about what would happen to the egg when it was dropped onto each material. Would the egg crack or not? The children were encouraged to explain their predictions, thinking about whether the material was hard or soft. An egg was dropped onto each of the different materials and the children recorded the results. The children had lots of fun conducting this experiment and thought sponge would be a good material to use for the crash mat.
We have been very busy completing our Rainbow Challenges. Here are a few more photographs to show what year 1 have been up to.
Here are the Rainbow Challenges the children are to complete next week. As we are only in school for two days, there have only been three Rainbow Challenges set.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. See you all on Monday!