SATs week will be week commencing Monday 13th May 2013
In the run up to SATs week, we will be encouraging all children to be in school by 8:30am from Monday 15th April, ready to start revision sessions using BBC Revisewise.
All children have also been given a Maths revision guide to help with any areas they need to go over, if they are unsure of, or just to generally revise from.
During SATs week, we will be providing a free breakfast for children in Year 6, so pupils will need to be in school by 8:30. Even if they have had breakfast at home, it is a great chance to socialise and take their mind off that days exams. It is actually a really nice week, much better than all the revision on the lead up to it!
Miss Hoskins
SATs timetable 2013 - Wk commencing 13-05-13
Here is a provisional timetable, released by the government, for SATs 2013. It will be the schools decision as to whether any child is entered for the level 6 paper, and the discussion will be had with any parents / pupils this concerns, later in the year. If your child is enter for the level 6 paper, they will have to sit the level 3-5 paper as well.