The DSEN local offer sets out in one place all of the information available across education, health and social care for children who have SEN or are disabled.
The main purpose for our Local offer is to provide you with clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it. There is valuable information should you wish to raise a concern about your child. Your first point of call is the SENCO or the headteacher. The Local Offer contains advice if you wish to take the matter further.
Parent/Carer Partnership with School
A partnership between parents/carers and school i.e. a regular consultation, sharing of information and progress, is vital to the progression of every child’s learning, and particularly for children with DSEN.
There are numerous ways to achieve this at Whitegate End Primary School. In addition to the start of the year welcome/transition meetings, termly reports and parents evenings, weekly class surgeries, parent forums or Child Centred Review meetings, parents and school staff can communicate by:
• speaking to the class teacher during weekly class surgeries
• making an appointment with the class teacher and /or SENCO
• contacting the school office via telephone or via email. The class teacher/ SENCO will do their upmost to contact you at the earliest opportunity. For those parents/carers who would find it easier to communicate via email the school -