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Week 3

This week we have had a very exciting week - on Tuesday morning we were extremely shocked to see that the Wolf had been in and destroyed parts of our classroom! We hunted for clues as the Wolf gave us information that he had left the truth somewhere in the classroom … we had a split divide about whether the Wolf was a good guy or bad guy … we may have to wait to see if he has any more surprises in store for us! 


In our maths learning, we learnt about symmetry and created patterns using pegs and peg boards. We are going to continue our work on shape over the next week before we move onto fractions. 


The children have been brilliantly responding to washing their hands properly at regular times throughout the day and understand why it is so important for us to take care of our hygiene. 


Please find a copy of the spellings and homework for the next week. 


Have a good week, 

Mrs Harris 
