Welcome back everyone and we would like to wish you all the best for the year ahead! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas with your family and friends and have enjoyed a well earned rest.
Our first topic of the term is all about - The Industrial Revolution. We will be travelling back in time to understand what life was like during this period, especially looking at what life was like for a child. The children will be finding similarities and differences between now and the past, but also understanding the struggles that they faced and how they overcame these problems. They will be working towards producing a non-chronological report based on The Industrial revolution.
In our writing this term, we will looking at the text Cogheart by Peter Bunzl and the children will be creating a diary entry and a letter based on the book. We will also be using the text Oliver, with hooks from the film to really understand how children struggled during this era which will produce some lovely writing.
In our maths work for this first half term we have lots planned in. We will start by looking at area and perimeter moving onto statistics and in the last couple of weeks we will be covering fractions. The children love working towards their chilli challenges, so we can't wait to see them pushing themselves in their learning.
Just a reminder that our weekly class drop in is on a Monday night 3:00pm - 3:30pm. Please if you have any questions or queries do come and speak to us. If you need longer than this or an appointment we can always arrange this with the office.
Mrs Walker & Mr Webster