A warm welcome back from the all of the team. We are very excited as we have so much planned this Summer!
Nursery will be exploring...
Reception will be learning about...
Watch this space to keep up to date with letters, photos, topics and the children's wonderful work.
Please feel free to approach staff members, who are happy to help with any queries or question, at the beginning and end of the day.
Additionally, there are optional ‘Drop-in sessions’ when class teachers will be available for a brief chat to provide support and strategies
to support children’s learning.
The EYFS team
Miss Akhtar (Reception class teacher)
Miss Smith (Nursery class teacher)
Miss Clune, Miss Lees and Mrs.McDonald ( Additional support staff)
Drop-in Session Times (Optional)
Nursery: Mondays 12:00 –12:12:20 PM (Part-time pupils) 3:00-3:20 PM (Full-time pupils)
Reception: Thursdays 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Boxes, card rolls, bottles (washed) tubs and cartons are always appreciated for our creation station.
Wonderful Work
Phonics: Can you clap your name?
Maths: Can you describe a circle/square/triangle and rectangle?
Topic Time
Additional Links