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Week 1

What a fantastic start to year 6 the children have made. To say they have risen to the challenge would be an understatement.  

On the first day back the children were told that they would be doing a topic based on War. We listened to Nevile Chamberlains sombre announcement that Britain was about to go to war signalling the start of World War 2 for the country. We then spent the morning working in teams to find a missing code for a padlock by solving a range of different problems related to WW2. We even had our very own personalised spy names.


In literacy year 6 have really impressed Mrs Bingham by completing a pre-write activity based on the video 'Beyond the lines'. Some of the writing produced without any adult help was excellent.  The children were excited to receive an email from the actual creator of the 'Literacy Shed' who told them he was going to publish their work and even give a £20 voucher to the person who created the piece of writing that impressed him the most. 


In Science we have started a fascinating topic on evolution and created our own fossils. Year 6 need to remember to send their family selfies in by Tuesday next week to help them with their science topic


I think with all the hard work we will have some very tired year 6s by Friday evening (and staff!)


Mr Scott  
