This week we have been thinking about bucket filling and how to fill each others buckets. We know that everyone has an invisible bucket and we can fill other peoples buckets by being kind. We have been thinking of all the different ways we can be a bucket filler. The ideas we came up with were:- sharing toys, giving someone a hug or a big smile or helping someone if they have fallen over. We even thought about what it takes to fill the teachers' buckets. These ideas can be found on the display in the cloakroom. Feel free to come and have a look!
We have introduced Charlotte's Word of the Week. Charlotte the spider loves words! She enjoys weaving them onto her web. Each week Charlotte will weave a new word onto her web for us to learn and understand, so we can extend our range of vocabulary. Ask your child what this weeks word was! See if they can remember?
The children have enjoyed finding out who the secret readers were this week! It was lovely to listen to the stories they brought in. Thank you to the people who gave up their time to come and see us. Who it will be next week? We are looking for more people to volunteer to be a secret reader. If you are interested, please speak to a member of staff for more information. We look forward to seeing you.