Get ready as we take a trip through time to look at the Egyptians. We will work together to discover the answer to the following questions:
Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
How did the Ancient Egyptians live?
What gods and goddesses did they worship?
What were the steps of mummification?
If you have any questions about the Egyptians and would like to find out more just let me know and we can try and include this in our learning.
It doesn’t stop there as we will be using the ‘famous’ Egyptian Explorer Tadeo Jones in our writing. We will be writing stories to show his brave adventures.
In maths we will be going fractions mad. We will check in to see what we have remembered from Year 2 before building on this work this half term.
In our science work we will be looking at Animals including humans. We will look at the following questions:
Why do we have skeletons?
Do all animals have skeletons?
What do our muscles actually do?
What are the important food groups and why are they important?
As always reading is so important so please try and practise your reading at least 3 times a week. Look out for spellings which will be posted to Seesaw.
If you have any questions please just contact me in school and I will be happy to help.
Miss Ejaz and the Year 3 Teaching Team